Expello Valves Protect Air Compressors The compressed air system in a heavy-duty truck begins with the air compressor.  Located in the engine compartment the air compressor relies on the truck for filtered air, power, and lubrication.  When the truck is running the compressor is running so a governor is utilized to allow the compressor to… Read More

Air Brake Maintenance   Avoid Frozen Air Brakes This Winter With the cold weather here, it is time to eliminate the possibility of frozen air brakes. These steps will ensure that air brakes perform as intended during the winter months and beyond. An often overlooked part of daily vehicle maintenance is draining the water from… Read More

Drain the Tank Understanding the cause, effect, and solution to contaminated air systems.   A critical yet often overlooked part of daily vehicle maintenance is ensuring that the compressed air system is providing clean, dry air to each air driven component on the vehicle. Air dryers are important to the process but even the very… Read More